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Exploring Your Vocational Calling

6 Questions to Consider Before Pursuing a Master’s Degree

Sometimes, we are called to vocations that transcend careers or jobs. For example, members of the clergy, spiritual counselors, and chaplains experience a unique convergence of faith and profession; but others like social workers, teachers, nurses, or counselors are also drawn to their fields by something more profound than a paycheck. 

People in any career can feel a pull toward something more — and that vocational pull is worth answering.

This resource contains guidance and tips to help you connect faith and career, plus six questions to consider when a master’s degree is part of your plan, including:

  • What is your goal for a master’s degree?
  • What needs do you see in your community or church? 
  • Where are you in your life’s journey?
  • And more

Exploring Vocation eBook

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