You’re signed up for the Laudato Si’ @ 10 Years!
We’re delighted to have you as part of our journey into the depths of theological exploration.
What Comes Next:
Save the Dates: Keep an eye on your inbox for lecture schedules and access links, so you won’t miss a single enlightening session. | Spread the Word: If you know others hungry for theological knowledge and the environment, extend an invitation to join our community. |
Save the Dates:
October 12, 2023: Speaker: Christina Bagaglio Slentz, Ph.D.
January 18, 2024:Speaker: Keith Douglass Warner, Ph.D. OFM
Feburary 15, 2024: Michael Perry, OFM, Ph.D.
April 18, 2024: Joan Brown, OSF
Here’s to a future of profound understanding!
Peace and Joy,
The Franciscan School of Theology
P.S. Connect with us through Facebook, Instagram, or Youtube. Let’s embark on this voyage of discovery together!