
Spiritual Formation

Spiritual Formation in the Franciscan tradition is a way of paying attention to your own search and your own heart’s desire. It is an essential part of the academic experience at the Franciscan School of Theology.


School Liturgies

Weekly liturgies are held on most Wednesdays in Founders Chapel (USD’s campus) at 4:30pm. View our Academic Calendar for the weekly liturgy schedule. If you cannot join in-person, you are welcome to attend via livestream. Links to livestream can be found here.


About Lay Spiritual Formation

“This is what I want,” he said, “this is what I seek, this is what I desire with all my heart.”

With these words of St. Francis, you are invited to explore Spiritual Formation at FST. The “this” Francis talks about in the previous quote – what he wanted, sought, and desired with all his heart – is the Gospel call to follow Christ in the world. Spiritual Formation in the Franciscan tradition is a way of paying attention to your own search and your own heart’s desire. It is part of the academic life here.


Prayer and Renewal for Busy Students

The Spiritual Formation program provides other experiences to support individual spiritual growth, no matter the student’s schedule. Communal prayer, retreats, individual meetings, spiritual direction referrals, and small group reflection are offered at different times. Attention to personal growth and awareness of social/environmental justice support an integrated approach to spiritual formation at FST.


Your Spiritual Formation Plan

During their time at FST, students are encouraged to create a personalized spiritual formation plan. For students in the professional ministry degree program (MDiv), creating a spiritual formation plan is an integral part of their program. With the assistance of the VP of Student Affairs and Spiritual Formation, they are encouraged to develop a plan that attends to their particular needs and goals as well as to goals specific to the formation of lay ecclesial ministers. These goals are drawn from the Franciscan tradition, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and the National Association for Lay Ministry.


For More Information

To learn more about the Spiritual Formation Program, please email SpiritualFormation@fst.edu.