Copley Library
The Franciscan School of Theology has one of the largest collections of Franciscana west of the Mississippi, including numerous rare books housed in the Copley Library at the University of San Diego. FST students have full access to Copley’s extensive collections and electronic resources. FST material is cataloged in the Copley Library catalog.
The Franciscan School of Theology Library collection focuses primarily on Franciscan thought and history. Our school’s collection is housed at the University of San Diego’s Copley Library. Use of the FST collection is limited to graduate students and faculty of the Franciscan School of Theology and the University of San Diego.
Members of FST have full use of Copley Library at the University of San Diego. Items housed at Copley Library may be requested and checked out through the library at FST or in person at Copley library on the USD campus. Electronic resources are available through USD’s databases and journal subscriptions. Access to material housed at regional libraries is available through the Circuit, a consortium of libraries in the greater Southern California area. Interlibrary loan services are also available.
Search Copley
Print Reserves (Located in the Library)
- Research Tools
- Special Collections
- My Account
- Hours
- Room Reservation
Research Tools
Students looking for library services will find information at the following links—including a research guide developed especially for FST students. If you do not see the service you are looking for, contact the FST librarian at for further assistance.
FST Research Guide for Theological Study
USD Copley Library
Databases by Subject
Interlibrary Loan
San Diego Circuit Member Libraries -
Special Collections
Rare Books Collection
The American Academy of Franciscan History collection is housed in the Rare Books room at the University of San Diego and comprises over 400 works focused on the history of the Franciscan order in Southern California and the Americas.
My Account
Your Library Account
Renew items, view checked out items, fines/fees, and items on hold. Opt into text message notifications and create preferred searches.
GOInterlibrary Loan
Request books, articles, and journals from other libraries when not available through USD libraries or the Circuit. Please review the Interlibrary Loan policies.
See Calendar for details
Room Reservation
Group study rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis, with some rooms available for reservation.
The FST collection contains primarily Franciscan thought and history. The use of the library is limited to students and faculty of the Franciscan School of Theology and the University of San Diego.
Members of FST have full use of the Copley Library at the University of San Diego. Items housed at Copley Library may be requested and checked out through the library at FST or in person at Copley library on the USD campus. Electronic resources are available through USD’s databases and journal subscriptions. Access to material housed at regional libraries is available through the Circuit, a consortium of libraries in the greater Southern California area. Interlibrary loan services are also available.
Students, faculty, and staff may extend the loan period of borrowed materials by the length of the original loan period (i.e., 90 days). Renewal of FST material may be done at the reference desk in the FST Library, by phone or online. To avoid fines, borrowed materials must be renewed by the borrower on or before the due date.
In most cases you are sent a reminder notice shortly before the due date reminding you that your materials are coming due, but you are responsible for returning or renewing materials by the due date.
FST follows USD’s replacement policy for lost library materials. Materials not returned to FST Library are billed at the cost the library incurs for replacement plus a $40 replacement fee. Patrons can get the replacement cost refunded if the material is returned and the late fine is paid. Borrowing privileges are suspended once a student accumulates $20 in fines.
Members of the FST community may borrow library materials for a period of 90 days. Patrons are limited to checking out a maximum of 10 items at any given time.
The FST library committee meets once every semester and consists of the vice president, a faculty member and a student representative.