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Our comprehensive graduate programs provide men and women with spiritual and theological education to advance their faith and answer their calling.

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Life is Beautiful.FST is located on the pristine campus of the University of San Diego, where the beauty of God’s creation is all around you.

Life Changing Graduate Degrees

Joseph Chinnici, OFM
Joseph Chinnici, OFM
| President Emeritus
| Professor of History


D.Phil. Oxford University 1976
MA Graduate Theological Union 1971
MDiv Franciscan School of Theology 1972
BA San Luis Rey College 1968


20th Century American Catholicism, Franciscan Theology
"Engaging the past so that it might inform the present and create freedom for the future; examining the people and events that have shaped the Church in the United States; relating the riches of the spiritual, theological, and social inheritance of the Franciscan vision to the needs of the contemporary world. These endeavors have been at the heart of my own teaching and scholarship for over forty years. For myself, the study of the people who have gone before us in their creative, challenging, illuminating and struggling lives situates the present and reveals how a life of faith may engage the world of the Twenty-First Century."
Darleen Pryds, PhD
Darleen Pryds, PhD
| Associate Professor of Christian Spirituality and History


PhD University of Wisconsin at Madison
MA University of Southern California
BA University of Southern California


Medieval Franciscan Tradition (Third Order, Lay Preaching) and The Spirituality of Dying and Death
"At the heart of my research, teaching and ministry are the exploration of the diversicty and authenticity in which laity have carved out a Franciscan identity and way of life for themselves and eachother. As a historian, I uncover models of lived faith that lay men and women offer us today. I examine these complex stories of authentic spirituality with students, colleagues, the public through published scholarship, classroom discussions, public lectures, retreats, and ministry. The contributions of laity to the Franciscan tradition are rich, diverse, and inspiring for everyone interested in the Franciscan way."
Maureen Day, PhD
Maureen Day, PhD
| Assistant Professor of Religion and Society


PhD Graduate Theological Union
MA Jesuit School of Technology af Berkley/GTU
BA California State University, Chico


Catholicism, religion and Public life, and family.
"Driving my teaching and research is a commitment to understanding the personal and social relationships that animate human life, especially as these intersect with Catholicism, family, young adults, and religion in American civic life. Students leave my classes knowing how to couple their theological learning with tools from the social sciences, helping them to better understand themselves, others and the world, clarifying issues and offering solutions. "

Answer Your Calling

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Audrey Anaradian, PhD


Audrey Anaradian, PhD

| MDiv 2019

"Seeing life through the theological and spiritual lens of the Franciscan tradition opens the heart and mind to a lens of love, beauty, and goodness that fills one with awe and gratitude."

Sam Nasada, OFM


Sam Nasada, OFM

| MDiv 2017

"At FST, I not only received a theological education, I gained a community. It continues to be an inspiration in recognizing that if I look up deep enough and carefully enough, there are traces of the Franciscan spirit in everyone. The spirit of Francis is still alive in many people I meet and there are so many allies in the world. That has been a great source of hope for me. That is why we as Franciscans call everyone and all creations as brothers and sisters because we are all connected."

Kendra McClelland


Kendra McClelland

| MDiv 2017

"Our professors genuinely invest in the development of the whole person, with a deep concern for our well-being and growth as a person of inherent value and extraordinary potential. Oftentimes, they saw more potential in us than we saw in ourselves, and over the course of the semester, they challenged us to not only realize it but to surpass it."

Michael Brown


Michael Brown

| MTS 2019

"It is a superlative education in faith" taught by the "most scholarly people in the world...It's very grounding and it's very satisfying."

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