Pope Francis Appoints San Diego Bishop McElroy to College of Cardinals


We are pleased to share that The Vatican announced that Bishop Robert McElroy, 68, has been chosen by Pope Francis to be part of the College of Cardinals. Cardinal-Elect McElroy will be installed by Pope Francis in a consistory on Aug. 27 at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Bishop McElroy has been a supporter of FST and instrumental in our move to be on campus at the University of San Diego.

  • He donated land so that FST could move to the campus of the University of San Diego in 2019.
  • He supported the unprecedented step of sending the Diocese of San Diego’s seminarians to FST.
  • He has involved FST in this year’s universal synod by appointing Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Juliet Mousseau, RSCJ, to the Synod Commission for the Diocese of San Diego
  • He named Dr. Maureen Day as an advisor in the Young Adult Synod entitled “Christ Lives! A Time of Dreams and Decisions.”
  • He invited FST’s president Garrett Galvin, OFM to give the convocation for the Diocese of San Diego’s priests last year.
  • He was a featured lecturer for the FST 2021 Zoom Franciscan Vision Series, which is available on YouTube Channel FST EDU1.

Please join us in congratulating Cardinal-Elect McElroy in his new role as the first Bishop of San Diego to be named a Cardinal by Pope Francis.

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