“Everything is connected” – Thomas of Celano on Creation and Incarnation 3/25

blastic-michaelWinter Franciscan Zoom Lecture #6: Fr. Michael Blastic

Watch the recording at YouTube Channel FST EDU1

The phrase “everything is connected” appears frequently in Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato si’ (e.g., #16, 70,91, 240) and also emerges as an implicit principle which undergirds his recent encyclical Fratelli tutti. Thomas of Celano presented Francis of Assisi’s life, example and preaching as an expression of how everything is connected. Using the text of Thomas of Celano’s Rediscovered Life of St. Francis of Assisi will help us to appreciate the deep connection between creation, incarnation and Franciscan living in the early Franciscan tradition, and enable us to see why Pope Francis embraces this Franciscan experience as a key to a better future for the world.

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