
Garrett Galvin, OFM




Name: Garrett Galvin, OFM
Specialization: Deuteronomistic History
Phone: 619-574-5801


“Within biblical call narratives, we find a very counter-cultural element in the idea of vocation and obedience. I believe the two go together hand in glove. In most of these call narratives, we find some difficult demands being made. The biblical figure is not immediately attracted to the idea that God is telling them what to do. The important element of obedience in these call narratives is that they are a conversation. Moses does not feel up to the task; Jeremiah argues that he is too young. We can only imagine what Hosea was feeling, and Amos tells us that he had no preparation for his role as a prophet. Yet, all these figures continued their conversation with their God, either implicitly or explicitly. For me, this is the real counter-cultural message here. Rather than ending the conversation or ignoring God, they continued the conversation. They were willing to move from a place of comfort and security to a place of faith and trust in God’s presence and strength. Garrett Galvin, OFM, graduated from the University of California, Irvine, and joined the Franciscan Friars in 1992. He began teaching full-time at the Franciscan School of Theology in 2009, which moved to Oceanside and affiliated with the University of San Diego in 2013. He published his first book, Egypt as a Place of Refuge (Mohr Siebeck), in 2011, and David’s Successors: Kingship in the Old Testament was published in 2016. He regularly helps at a prison and gives retreats and days of recollection.”


  • Ph.D. Catholic University of America
  • STL Jesuit School of Theology, Santa Clara University
  • MA Graduate Theological Union
  • MA Catholic University of America


Egypt as a Place of Refuge. FAT II. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2011. (reviews appeared in Journal for the Study of the Old Testament and Journal of Hebrew Studies.)

David’s Successors: Kingship in the Old Testament. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2016.

Selected Articles

“Mercy as Central to the Psalms” in The Bible Today 55 (2017): 257-62.

“Vertical and Horizontal Expressions of Divinity in 1 Kings” in God and Gods in the Deuteronomistic History, eds. C. Carvalho and J. McLaughlin (CBQI 2; Washington D.C.: Catholic Biblical Association, 2022): 170-183.

12. Commentary for 2 KingsThe Jerome Biblical Commentary for the 21st Century, (T&T Clark; ed. John Collins; 2022).


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